Credits and Colophon

The Fictional World of Archives, Art Galleries and Museums was created on January 31, 1996 by David Mattison, a photo/film historian, bibliographer, Canadian Internet/Web content creator, retired archivist and musician, and Leon Miller, Manuscripts Librarian, Special Collections Division, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Thank you Lee for nearly two years of unflagging Web site support. I couldn't have done it without you! October 5, 1997

The site has been migrated twice by David, first to, which service was closed by Six Apart, Ltd., on September 30, 2010, and in early September 2010 to

With Special Thanks To

  1. Pennington P. Ahlstrand for donating a number of books annotated and dog-eared with references to archivists.
  2. Arlene Schmuland for providing me with the American Archivist issue.
  3. Shelley Sweeney for donating a number of books with references to archivists.
  4. Karen Buckley and Tania Aldred, my co-presenters at the Association of Canadian Archivists 2007 Conference in Kingston, Ontario. Both have published their presentations in the ACA's flagship journal Archivaria no. 66 (Fall 2008).
  5. Readers of the ARCAN-L and ARCHIVES mailing lists who have contributed many suggestions since 1996.